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Digital Channel Access Management and Control


MediPassPortalIt is a digital access management system. Pharmaceutical companies want to provide the medical information and materials they provide on digital media only to the relevant Healthcare Professionals. In this contextMediPassportalallows to confirm whether the person accessing the digital environment where the data is provided is a healthcare worker.

MediPassportal, centralizes access to digital media in a company, allowing healthcare professionals to access all digital media belonging to the company with the same user name and password.


MediPassportal; It is a system that manages and reports your websites, portals, webinars, mobile applications, etc., and other digital channels that require access control from a single point.

Medipassportal provides important advantages to companies in the digitalization process.

Confirmation of whether the visitor is a Health Worker is carried out.

It makes it possible to manage access to certain channels on a specialized basis.

It allows visitors to access all digital channels with the same user and password.

By ensuring that each user is unique in all digital channels and can be integrated with the CRM system ,  enables 360 degree customer view.

It allows compliance with the regulations for medical information to be made only to healthcare professionals.

Allows verification of permissions in the Access to Digital Channels process via e-mail / SMS . 

It allows all Digital activities to be managed and reported together.

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